
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January ICLW

Welcome to anyone who's visiting from ICLW!

A little background for new readers.

I'm a thirty-something year old who is dealing with secondary infertility. I am blessed to have a beautiful little girl, Miss O., who is four years old. I have four pregnancy losses under my belt, and each one has been way different from the last. My husband, M., has been told that he has "super sperm" by the RE, so he's not the problem. We are currently on an RE break, as we try to save some money for IVF.

Hopefully, we'll get lucky with a sticky pregnancy in the meantime, and save ourselves a butt load of $! If not, we head back to the RE in March.

I tend to blog about our IF issues, weight loss, and just life in general. I hope you stick around!


  1. Good luck with your secondary if battle. IF sucks, IVF sucks... Take care


  2. Hey, best wishes with working on that sticky pregnancy....*sigh* imagine not having to go the RE/IVF route. I will look for your weight related posts, see if they can help me any! However age is 'prolly gunna defeat me in the end!


  3. wishing you the best of luck in the coming year for a sticky baby ((hugs))


  4. hello~
    just stumbled upon your blog. I have a 4 year-old and 3 m/c that I carry with me as well. I like knowing that I'm not alone. You aren't either :)
