
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Candle Is Burning...

I just lit my candle for Pregnancy and Infant Loss day.

As I watch the flame flicker, random dates run through my head...

Jan. 13, 2006 -- my 2nd BFP, ever.
Feb. 13, 2006 -- my first D&C
Sept. 18, 2006 -- my EDD for my first miscarriage
Oct. 23, 2006 -- emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy
July 4, 2007 -- BFP!
July 24, 2007 -- miscarriage #2
Nov. 24, 2007 -- BFP!
Nov 31, 2007 -- chemical pregnancy

So many dates, so many unfulfilled dreams.

Just do me a favor, if anyone in real life mentions going through a loss...just listen.

And offer a hug.


  1. HUGS!!! I personaly have never gone through this, but my friend has and I know the heart break it brings.

  2. congratulations on the ww and I am offering you a hug!

  3. Oh bless your heart! I know what it is like to lose a baby. My first pregnancy ended too early. I know what it feels like! Hugs to you!
